As part of our efforts to promote engagement with Mary Astell, included here is a list of her known works. When possible, we have linked to freely available online versions. We also plan to make available transcriptions of those works that are currently only available as scans or facsimiles of the early printed editions.
Manuscript of Early Poems Presented to Archbishop Sancroft (1689)
Letters Concerning Love Of God (1695) [available through Early English Books Online]
A Serious Proposal To The Ladies (1694,1697) [available through Project Gutenberg]
Some Reflections Upon Marriage (1700) [available through Project Gutenberg]
An Impartial Enquiry Into the Causes of Rebellion and Civil War in this Kingdom: in an Examination of Dr. Kennett's Sermon (1703/4)
A Fair Way with the Dissenters and their Patrons. Not Writ by Mr. L––––y, or any other Furious Jacobite whether Clergyman or Layman; but by a very Moderate Person and Dutiful Subject to the Queen (1704)
Moderation Truly Stated: Review of a Late Pamphlet, Entitled; Moderation a Vertue. With a Prefatory Discourse to Dr. D'Aveanat, Concerning His Late Essays on Peace and War (1704) [transcription available soon]
The Christian Religion, As Professed by a Daughter of the Church of England (1705)
Bart'lemy Fair, Or An Enquiry After Wit; in which Due Respect is had to a Letter Concerning Enthusiasm to my Lord *** (1709) [transcription available soon]
Preface to the Turkish Embassy Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1724/1725, published posthumously in 1763) [Scan available through the London School of Economics Digital Library]
Letters Concerning Love Of God (1695) [available through Early English Books Online]
A Serious Proposal To The Ladies (1694,1697) [available through Project Gutenberg]
Some Reflections Upon Marriage (1700) [available through Project Gutenberg]
An Impartial Enquiry Into the Causes of Rebellion and Civil War in this Kingdom: in an Examination of Dr. Kennett's Sermon (1703/4)
A Fair Way with the Dissenters and their Patrons. Not Writ by Mr. L––––y, or any other Furious Jacobite whether Clergyman or Layman; but by a very Moderate Person and Dutiful Subject to the Queen (1704)
Moderation Truly Stated: Review of a Late Pamphlet, Entitled; Moderation a Vertue. With a Prefatory Discourse to Dr. D'Aveanat, Concerning His Late Essays on Peace and War (1704) [transcription available soon]
The Christian Religion, As Professed by a Daughter of the Church of England (1705)
Bart'lemy Fair, Or An Enquiry After Wit; in which Due Respect is had to a Letter Concerning Enthusiasm to my Lord *** (1709) [transcription available soon]
Preface to the Turkish Embassy Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1724/1725, published posthumously in 1763) [Scan available through the London School of Economics Digital Library]